Network Support

Today’s network demands security, speed, and mobility.  We have gear available to provide all three.  And we can also show you how to optimize the gear you do have.

Whether you’re a new business looking for a start-up solution or an existing business looking to improve, we offer free on-site consultations to help clarify your needs and make recommendations based on your business’ priorities.

Microsoft Server Assistance

Even though many servers are cloud-based these days, many still are not.  We are dedicated to helping you maintain and introduce Servers in your environment.

MSSQL, Exchange, AD are just a few of the technologies that we can assist you with in whatever way you are in need of.  Or if it’s moving TO the ‘cloud’ (such as Office 365) you’re in need of, we also have many pre-designed solutions in place and ready to go.

Digital Management

We provide business class email solutions, DNS hosting/management, and domain name registration services.  Office 365, Threat Management and other related software are also available.  Website services are available through our partner, Shepherds Loft.


From wired to wireless, today’s desktops can often present a world of challenges when it comes to developing a networking strategy.  We offer assistance with peer-to-peer networks as well as server based environments.

Support by Sherweb

Phone Support: 1 (888) 567-6610 If you are having issues with Microsoft or Google products or services except for domain names please call Sherweb support.
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