Customer Survey 1. Do you have a domain name? NO, I do not. YES, I do. IDK, what is that? 2. Do you know where your domain is registered? NO, I do not. YES, I do. IDK, Godaddy? 3. Did you know that you can add more than one contact to your domain name information? NO, I do not. YES, I do. I don’t care! 4. Did you know that your domain name, website, and email can be hosted by different providers? NO, I do not. YES, I do. Why did Al Gore make it so complicated? 5. Do you have multiple office accounts; one for personal and one for your business/organization? NO, I do not. YES, I do. IDK, I use Outlook! 6. Do you use non-secure email accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Google for business operations? No, I do not. Yes, I do. Do you mean AOL? A vanity/branded email account is an email that ends in your company name. i.e. where mbtpro is the company name.7. Do you have spam filtering & antivirus protection for your business email accounts? YES, I have antivirus protection. NO, I I do not have antivirus protection. If I didn’t get spam then I would be bored. Email accounts that end with @hotmail, and do not match your domain name.8. Did you know that browsing online with the same computer as your financial software is a security risk? YES, I only use dedicated company computers for business operations. NO, I use my personal computer for business operations. 60% of small businesses are out of business in 6 months, the average cost is $108k9. How do you currently deal with technology and security issues? I ignore it. I call the telephone company. I ask a teenager. I use a professional. 60% of small businesses are out of business in 6 months, the average cost is $108k10. Do you feel good about the technology that your business/organization is using? NO, I do not. YES, I do. It does not matter to me 60% of small businesses are out of business in 6 months, the average cost is $108k11. How much is peace of mind worth to you? Pay as I Go $50 $200 $600 No Support (Annual Fee for Monitoring Only) Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Δ