Name First Last Phone*Email* Type of Services Interested InWe recommend getting at least one email address with your domain name. A matching domain name and email address is professional and required to send/receive emails from your website. Domain Name Management Email Services Wifi Solutions Networking Support Have you already registered your domain name? Yes No Do you know where your domain is registered?(Godaddy, Google, etc) We will need the location, username, and password information in order to launch your website. Yes No not sure Do you know how to login to your domain registrar?(Godaddy, Google, etc) Yes No not sure Domain Name RegistrarList domain names1 per line with the correct extension .com, .net, .org etc.Do you have email accounts on your current domain name?Example: is the domain name and is the matching email address. Yes No not sure Do you know where your email(s) are hosted? Yes No not sure Email Host?Who is hosting your email now? List your email accounts1 per lineDo you want to keep your existing email messages? Yes No Unsure How many accounts need existing messages transferred over to new account?Type of Email ServiceGoogle email services is called Google Workspace and includes Google Documents and Spreadsheets. Microsoft email services are sold separately than Office Products. Google Office 365 Would you like to add Office Products?e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc Yes No unsure How many accounts would you like to have Office Products?(enter a number, all, or unsure)What other services are you interested In? Website Services Video Editing Social Media Brand Marketing Custom Development CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ